Task trackers in B2B

Company: MyOffice

Team: Anastasia Troshina, Evgenia Stroganova, Nikifor Puzin ​Deadlines: March 19-May 14, 2022

MyOffice - office solutions for communication and collaboration with documents. Each of the products is designed to ​solve different problems - from free editors for home use to creating a functional working environment, including ​inside the secure perimeter of the information system.

As part of this case, we are interested in the tools used by company employees to manage projects and tasks.

Our task is to learn the main scenarios and experience in using tools for managing projects and tasks in B2B, as well as:

-what is used,

-what tasks are solved

-key and most frequent use cases,

-what difficulties do they face

-integration of personal and work tasks and projects.


Learn the advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions for managing projects and tasks, identify user ​needs and identify the most frequent use cases.

For this we need to know:

What tools do company employees use to manage projects and tasks:

What tasks employees solve with the help of these tools (needs).

Which use cases are the most important and critical, which are the most frequent.

In what contexts do employees use tools to manage projects and tasks.

On what devices employees use these tools, for what tasks.

How these tools are integrated into the overall ecosystem of digital products that employees use to solve both

work and personal tasks.

What difficulties do employees face when using these tools.

What advantages of these tools employees consider important.


Fill and prioritize the MyOffice product development backlog, clarify development directions and detuning ​from competitors.

• ​• ​•

For this we need:

Learn key use cases and those solved with the help of project and task management tools; ​Learn the criteria and process for choosing tools for managing projects and tasks;

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions for managing projects and tasks.


19 march – 1 april

2 april – 15 april

16 april – 29 april

30 april – 14 may

Preparation of research methodology

06. ​04

Competitive Analysis

11. ​04

Recruiting respondents for in-depth interviews

25. ​04

Conducting in-depth interviews

02. ​05

Conducting a

sur vey

Processing interview and survey


11. ​05

11. ​05

Consolidation of results

12. ​05

Making a presentation and ​preparing for defense

13. ​05







Learn key use cases and ​those solved with project ​and task management ​tools



Learn the criteria and ​process for selecting tools ​for managing projects and ​tasks


Learn the advantages and ​disadvantages of existing ​solutions for managing ​projects and tasks











Access to the ​market

Main functions


Manage requests, incidents, ​problems, changes and resources ​Working with Code in Tasks Thanks ​to the integration with Bitbucket ​source code hosting, programmers ​can write code and discuss it inside ​tasks.


Collect, organize and manage the ​information you need to work in ​one place.

Creation, storage, viewing tasks. ​Instant search for the desired ​document.


Milestones. They indicate the ​achievement of an intermediate

result, by which one can judge the ​success of the project as a whole. ​Dashboard. On it in real time you can ​see all the important data on

projects. A ready-made set of charts

is easy to customize.


Automation. You can set up ​automatic actions with cards ​under certain conditions. For ​example, on Mondays, sort tasks ​by priority.

Chronology. The timeline displays ​all relationships between team ​members.


Workflow automation. For example, ​you can redirect all requests from mail ​or forms on the site to the system. ​Ready-made solutions for different ​departments. For development, there ​are sprints, for marketing -

dashboards, charts and boards, for ​accounting - collaboration with ​documents, and so on.

The target ​audience

Used for working with code and as a ​bug tracker, suitable for teams of 100 ​or more people.

Used to work on projects, suitable ​for teams of 100 or more people.

System for planning, operational ​management and task ​management. Best suited for small ​teams: web studios, agencies and ​marketing departments.

A very popular scheduler and task ​tracker that is best suited for ​creative teams and small teams.

Alternative to Jira for developers. Also ​suitable for HR and design offices.


Jira Software. More than 3,000 ​applications are easily integrated into ​the system. With their help, Jira can ​be customized individually for the ​tasks of a particular team.

There is integration with Jira and ​Trello

There are integrations with the most ​frequent applications. Among them ​are Zoom, Teams, etc.

Mail integration. Each card has an ​email address, and you can leave ​comments directly from your

email without authorization in the ​system.

The Yandex Tracker API is designed for ​web services and applications that ​work with your organization's tasks on ​behalf of the user.

Paid and free ​versions

Free version 10 accounts. Further 4.4 ​USD per user

Free version 10 accounts. Further ​4.4 USD per user

Paid versions add advanced ​integrations with various ​applications, there is also a free ​version. (10.99USD - 24.99USD)

The free version differs from the ​paid ones in the number of ​features. (5 USD-17.5 USD, ​depending on the width of the ​functionality and the volume of ​the team)

For the first 100 users, full access to ​Tracker costs 258 ₽ per month per

user. If 100 employees of the ​organization are already connected to ​Tracker, the price for the next 150 users ​will be lower - 222 ₽ per month. If

more than 250 employees are ​connected, the price for each new user ​is 185 ₽ per month.


Learn key use cases and those solved with project and task ​management tools







What tasks employees solve using project and task ​management tools (needs).

Which use cases are the most important and critical, ​which are the most frequent

In what contexts do employees use tools to manage ​projects and tasks (e.g. in the office, at home, on the ​road).

On what devices employees use these tools ​(computer / laptop, tablet, smartphone; personal or ​corporate devices), for what tasks.


Tracking the status of tasks and setting ​tasks are the most frequent actions

The most important thing is integration ​with instant messengers and mail

Most often used on PC, but sometimes on ​mobile devices.


>90% of respondents noted that tracking the status of ​tasks and setting tasks are the most frequent actions

All respondents noted the importance of instant ​messengers and mail in the context of integration

All respondents answered that in most cases they use a ​task tracker on a PC

Half of the respondents answered that they also use task ​trackers on their mobile device


Tracking the status of tasks and ​setting tasks are the most ​frequent actions

The most important thing is ​integration with instant ​messengers and mail

Most often used on PC, but ​sometimes on mobile devices.


The most important thing is ​integration with instant ​messengers and mail


The majority of respondents (7 out of 10 or more) ​touched on the topic of instant messengers and mail ​in the context of integrations

8 out of 10 respondents noted that they do not use

the built-in chat to communicate on work issues


“Today, task trackers = advanced messenger functionality. ​Now there are bots that can be customized for your tasks.”

“Communication about the task used to happen in discord, now it’s more common chats and teams”

“It would be cool to pull out tasks from the team chat”

“Improve integration with messengers so that you can be more flexible in setting up notifications so that it immediately ​appears as comments on the task or so that I can reply directly from the mail”


Learn the criteria and process for selecting tools for ​managing projects and tasks


2. ​3. ​4.



What tools do company employees use to manage ​projects and tasks

Who and how chose these instruments;

Why did you choose these tools?

If there was experience using other tools, why did you ​decide to change;

Are there cases where employees do not use the ​company's tools, but instead use something else ​(inconsistent use).


Task trackers save time on coordinating ​business processes by creating a single ​information space where you can quickly ​find information and track those ​responsible.


6 out of 10 respondents in an in-depth interview noted the ​importance of onboarding in the process of working with a ​new tool

7 out of 10 respondents noted that they do not have a

single centralized system for working on a project / product; ​Based on the results of the in-depth interview, two User ​Stories were identified: project management and product ​development. The approaches to working with task

trackers differed significantly. Project managers talked ​about saving time from the point of view of ease of control, ​and developers, although initially they spent a significant ​part of the time on building up the process, significantly ​minimized time on template tasks in the future.


Task trackers save time on ​coordinating business processes ​by creating a single information ​space where you can quickly find ​information and track those ​responsible.

“We didn’t have Jira, tasks were set and communicated with each other by e-mail, everything was lost, and he proposed a ​new tool that “went” to everyone.”

“At first it was a little uncomfortable and it seemed that the introduced component did not make life easier, but ​complicates it. But this was only the first impression, because no one understood how to use it correctly. There were also ​personal adaptation sessions and collective ones. As soon as we got used to it, it immediately became clear how we lived ​without this resource before?! It's unimaginable!”


“If there are juniors in the team, you make a separate template where you attach articles, etc. It was very ​convenient, because it was not necessary to waste time on individual training.

It's cool when the knowledge base is in the task tracker”

“... Jira has a bottomless volume of possibilities, there are a lot of chips, templates for tasks, processes, ​minimizing time spent on typical tasks ...”

“At Trello, I plan activities for a project - a newsletter that 6 interns are working on, where everyone has their ​own tasks. In order for it to look like a well-played orchestra, you need to have a single information space that ​is visible to me and the trainees - how the work on the performance is going. Thus, I minimize the sending of ​files. I can also give feedback there on the materials that are posted there”

“We made a task tracker on Notion. It allows you to assemble everything, like a constructor ... pack everything ​into one task (documents, links, etc.), like a “diploma”, where there are links to sources .. As a result of the

task, a report was generated automatically and a copy was uploaded to a separate folder for the customer .. ”





Learn the advantages and disadvantages of existing ​solutions for managing projects and tasks


How these tools are integrated into the overall ​ecosystem of digital products that employees use to ​solve both work and personal tasks.

What difficulties do employees face when using ​these tools.

What advantages of these tools employees consider ​impor tant .


The scope of various integrations does not ​determine the choice of one or another ​task tracker. Ease of control is key.

The task tracker is used to track the overall ​dynamics of the project, but each ​individual employee also uses tools that ​are more familiar to him.


8 out of 10 respondents answered that they are not ​ready to switch to another task tracker, even if there ​are integrations with the programs they use. Most ​explained this by the difficulties of “adapting” to a new ​instrument;

6 out of 10 respondents answered that they ​simultaneously use other tools for managing tasks ​(notebook, notes, GoogleDocs, Miro);

“If we were missing something here, we ​would do something or change the ​process”


The scope of various integrations ​does not determine the choice of ​one or another task tracker. Ease ​of control is key.

The task tracker is used to track ​the overall dynamics of the ​project, but each individual ​employee also uses tools that are ​more familiar to him.


1 ​2

Immersed in the world of tools for managing projects ​and tasks;

We heard and recorded the pains of users, were

inspired by the stories of successful use, and seem to

understand where to head:

-synchronization with messengers;

-native design and simple onboarding;

-customization = the ability to customize to the

needs and tasks of the team;

-the presence of a “data warehouse”;

-integration with the most popular project and

task tools (Google Sheets, Figma, Miro, etc.)

As a result of a qualitative study, two User Stories ​were identified: project management and product ​development.

It would be great to conduct a quantitative study of ​each of the groups of respondents. This will reveal ​more patterns and specific scenarios for using tools ​for managing projects and tasks.

Further usability testing will help form the most ​native interface that will form the basis of the ​product.

The most concise and native design for PC


Thank you for your attention!

Contact me: ​anastasiyatroshina1@icloud.com ​+97332321749 ​linkedin.com/in/anastasiatroshina